CHAMOMILE is a sacred herb. It's very effective in healing Nerves, Migraine, Acne, Inflammation, Insomnia, Menstrual Problems, Dermatitis, Analgesic, Tension Headache, Stress. Chamomile is an antibacterial. Sores, wounds, itches, and rashes respond to external applications. Chamomile calms the nerves and brings on sleep.
Let's come back to nature with no bad side effects
CHAMOMILE is a sacred herb
Posted on 12:12 AM by Unknown
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CHAMOMILE is a sacred herb. It's very effective in healing Nerves, Migraine, Acne, Inflammation, Insomnia, Menstrual Problems, Dermatitis, Analgesic, Tension Headache, Stress. Chamomile is an antibacterial. Sores, wounds, itches, and rashes respond to external applications. Chamomile calms the nerves and brings on sleep.
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