
ELDER Remedy & Magic

ELDER is a great remedy. It's Also known as Elderberry, Lady Elder, and Black Berried Elder. A Druid Sacred Tree.  The priests used it to both bless and curse.


Apples Remedy, Love & Immortality

Apples are great remedy. Apples clean the liver, cure constipation, and tone the gums. Baked apples can be applied as a warm poultice to sore throats and skin inflammations. The cooked apple is laxative. The peeled raw apple helps with diarrhea.


Basil is a magic herb

Basil is a great remedy

BASIL is  A warming herb, it is used for colds and flu, constipation, vomiting, headaches, and menstrual cramps. It's a great remedy.


Birch remedy

Birch is a great remedy

BIRCH  is A Druid sacred tree also known as (Betula alba). Also known as Lady of the Woods, Paper Birch or White Birch. It is great remedy for  Gout, Rheumatism, Eczema, Ulcers. 


CHAMOMILE is a sacred herb

CHAMOMILE is a sacred herb. It's very effective in healing Nerves, Migraine, Acne, Inflammation, Insomnia, Menstrual Problems, Dermatitis, Analgesic, Tension Headache, Stress. Chamomile is an antibacterial. Sores, wounds, itches, and rashes respond to external applications. Chamomile calms the nerves and brings on sleep.


Camphor is very useful

CAMPHOR  is very useful and effective healing Coughs, Colds, Fevers, Rheumatism, Arthritis.


ANISE great benefits

ANISE is very useful and effective for Muscular aches and pains, Rheumatism, Bronchitis, Colds and coughs, Colic, Cramps, Flatulence, Indigestion.